President's Message
Welcome to our website. We appreciate your interest in Local 947.
Since you’re visiting our web page, it’s likely you are either a Local 947 member or someone interested in learning more about our union. If you are interested in forming a union at your workplace, please contact us.
The members of Local 947 come from all backgrounds and walks of life. We represent members in a wide range of industries, including Hotel Industry, Building Services Industries, Manufacturing Industry, Industrial Industry, Transportation Industry, Warehousing Industry, Call Center Industry, Office Services and more.
Local 947 works hard to maintain open and effective communication with our past, current, and future members.
Local 947’s mission is to improve the lives of our members through collective bargaining and enforcement of union contracts, to protect the rights of our members, and to give members a strong voice on issues affecting their workplace. The wages, benefits and working conditions set forth by your Union represent years of progress, won by the blood, sweat and tears of the many who came before us. Sacrifice and solidarity created all that we have today in the workplace.
Our best hope to keep what we have and to continue our steady record of improvements is to assure that Employers honor their agreements completely. Your participation in this process is crucial for yourself and for those who will follow. You are part of a genuinely great institution and can be proud to do your part to build an even better future.
Fraternally and with warm personal regards,
Gloria Larrondo, President